Thursday, May 19, 2011

High Five


Ace Hart

Hey everyone Ace Hart back with ya! Little different from my usual weekly article, but since you already know how much I love to make rankings I thought I’d throw in just a little simple quick top 5 list. I don’t know if it will be weekly or not (Guess it depends on if people actually enjoy it or not), but I figured it would be some nice mid-week filler. Thanks again for reading and make sure you follow me on Twitter on @acehart1 and check out my articles over at

This week’s list:

Top Five Entrance Themes for Current WWE Superstars

It would be really difficult to distinguish exactly what constitutes a great theme song. The basis I went off of involved a formula of 4 things.

1. Does the song rock (or roll in some cases.)?

2. Is there a general pop (good or bad), that occurs whenever that superstar’s music hits?

3. Does that music fit that superstars current character?

4. For even the casual wrestling fan, when that music hits, do they know they’re about to see someone special?

That’s the Ace Hart requirement for making this list. (p.s. sorry in advance for the exclusion of HHH and the deadman, but they are not eligible since they are both currently off television.)

5. Randy Orton:

He would make it further up the list, except for criteria #3. Randy Orton has the type of music that just screams heel from the rooftops, but he’s currently enjoying an amazing run as one of the company’s top faces. Based on the criteria, since he didn’t match #3, he technically shouldn’t even be on here. However he so far exceeds the other three requirements, it would be a crime to leave him off of the list.

4. Christian:

Almost as important as winning the World Heavyweight Championship, Christian also makes this list in a similar fashion. Because Edge retired. Sorry, but you’ve gotten love the ‘Ultimate Opportunist’s” music. But since Christians fast rise on the Smackdown scene, his popularity has grown even further moving him up on the radar that much more for criteria #2. As well as matching up with all the requirements, I often find myself whistling Christians song at random parts of the day, which means it must be a pretty dang good song for THE Ace Hart to get it stuck in his head… Right? Fine, moving on.

3. Rey Mysterio:

How many other Superstars could have their own name implanted into their music? Or a made up word? Or the zip code where that man is from. The whole song is literally just repeating those three things over and over again, until I’m spending an hour researching what Booyaka means. (Don’t waste your time, trust me, it’s not worth it.) The man will have a permanent pop for the rest of his career when his music hits and anytime Rey’s music hits, we all know we’re about to see a legendary, future WWE Hall of Famer.

2. The Miz:

It’s very rare to have a Superstar’s music hit and with the first word, have the entire crowd up and raring to let that man know how much they hate and him and that he does, in fact, suck. Miz has obviously come very far in his wrestling and promo abilities, but nothing has risen as quickly as his amazing catchphrase which spills into his theme music. It’s a fun song, one that you might listen to on its own, and he generates plenty of heat for it before he even steps through the gorilla curtain. And like it or not, but Miz has definitely established himself as a “must-see” WWE superstar.

1. John (I know, I know, sorry.) Cena:

Hard to deny that there’s no one else in the WWE who comes close to matching the criteria I set for this ranking. He matches all impeccably and it doesn’t help that he also currently has the WWE Title to go along with the awesome entrance theme. Cena even gets to sing through most of it. Is there anything this man can’t do? It’s just not fair.

So Close:

- Cody Rhodes

- Kofi Kingston

- CM Punk

- Big Show

- Kane

Like the list? Hate the list? Let’s talk about it in the comments below. Tell me who you would rank near the top. Also what’s your least favorite entrance theme? Tune in next week when I take a sobering look at the Top 5 Saddest WWE Career Ending Injuries (that is, if the infamous JCITY lets me. Just let him know how much you love itJ) Until next time, make sure you check me out at Twitter @acehart1 or email me at

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